Cloud synchronization

In this article: Setup, Cloud database, Synchronization times, Synchronization mechanism, Synchronization status, Extra databases, Passwords mismatch, Troubleshooting.

1. Setup

Press the Settings icon on the bottom toolbar of the main view and select Databases.

Choose the desired database from the list to set up cloud synchronization for it.

Select Configure cloud.

Here is a list of supported clouds: Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive. You should have an existing cloud account to proceed.

Tip: There is also another option called Another cloud (via WebDAV). This option allows you to connect Network-attached storages (NAS) and other clouds, which support the WebDAV protocol.

Select a desired cloud account and authenticate to provide SafeInCloud with access to your cloud account. 

Attention! For the cloud synchronization to work, you should config the same cloud account in all SafeInCloud instances installed on all your devices and computers. And all they should have the same password.

2. Cloud database

The cloud synchronization stores your data in an encrypted and password protected file named SafeInCloud.db for the main database and SafeInCloud(name).db for the extra database. This file is located in your own cloud account. SafeInCloud has no own servers and does not store your data.

Information about the cloud database location can be found here

It’s not possible to open the cloud database file directly (by clicking on it), because it’s encrypted. To access your data from a computer (Windows or Mac), install a free desktop app from:

Do not move or rename SafeInCloud.db or SafeInCloud(name).db files. The app won’t be able to find your cloud databases then.

Tip: There is no option to config the file location at the moment, but it’s planned for the future.

3. Synchronization times

The cloud synchronization happens automatically at the following moments:
-    After your login into SafeInCloud app;
-    When you switch to another application;
-    1 minute after the last data modification.

Do not forcibly close SafeInCloud just after using it. This might break the synchronization and corrupt the database.

To perform a manual synchronization, select Sync from the menu in the main view.

4. Synchronization mechanism

During the cloud synchronization, SafeInCloud downloads the cloud database and merges it with the local database. It compares these databases item by item and produces the resulting database, which has all the items with the latest modification time

For example, if you modify some card on a phone (version A) and then modify the same card on a computer (version B), then after the cloud synchronization both phone and computer will have the last modified version of this card (version B).

5. Synchronization status

Always watch for the cloud synchronization status. If there is a problem, SafeInCloud will notify you with the Warning icon (triangle with exclamation sign) on the toolbar. If you see this warning icon, press it to resolve the problem.

To check the problem details, go to Settings > About and press the Show log icon on the toolbar. 

If you cannot resolve the sync problem yourself, Copy this log to the clipboard and send to our support.

Tip: You can also see the last sync status on Configure cloud view of the database.

6. Extra databases

!NB Functional described in this section is available only in SafeInCloud generation 2 with active Premium, but not in SafeInCloud original.
See information on how to get Premium access here: Purchase and restore Premium

SafeInCloud generation 2 Premium supports multi-database functionality. 

The detailed information on extra databases operations can be found in the following articles:
-    Create extra database
-    Transfer data between databases
-    Restore extra database from cloud
-    Sharing extra databases
-    Database operations

7. Passwords mismatch

There is another special kind of cloud sync problem – Passwords mismatch. This happens, when the cloud and the local database have different passwords. For the cloud synchronization to work, you should config the same cloud account in all SafeInCloud instances installed on all your devices and computers. And all they should have the same password.

To fix this issue, manually set the same password for all SafeInCloud instances installed on all your devices and computers. 

If the problem still exists, press the warning icon and select one of two options:
-    Set the phone’s password to the cloud database – for this you should know the password of the cloud database;
-    Overwrite the cloud database with the device database – this will delete the cloud copy of your data.

8. Troubleshooting

Most of the synchronization problems can be easily resolved with one of the following simple steps:
-    Check your Internet connection;
-    Try using another network: Wi-Fi or mobile;
-    Check that you have free space on your cloud account;
-    Restart the device;
-    Switch the cloud sync to None, then back to your cloud and reauthenticate;
-    Try using another cloud;
-    Try again later – the cloud might have temporary issues.

For OneDrive users:
Starting from version 21.1 the cloud database location was changed from /Apps/SafeInCloud Password Manager/SafeInCloud.db to /Apps/SafeInCloud/SafeInCloud.db.
The app will move the cloud database automatically, but you have to update all your instances of SafeInCloud app to version 21.1.x for the cloud sync to work correctly.