Side menu

In this article: How to navigate between labels in the side menu                                                                         


1. Labels and groups

For simplicity  of navigation between cards, you can use the Side menu. In the main app view (Card list) swipe from the left edge to the right to open the Side menu or you can press the Hamburger icon (3 horizontal stripes) in the top-left corner. You will see the a list of groups and each contains a list of labels.

!NB The side menu labels contains cards for the currently selected database. The custom labels only for the currently selected database will be shown. 

There are the following groups:

SafeInCloud – the most general labels;

Labels – custom labels;

Security – labels for cards with security doubts;

Special – special labels.

Each label in the group contains cards that match some criteria.

2. SafeInCloud

There are the following labels:

All cards – all cards saved in a database;

Favorites – cards that are marked as favorite in a database;

Credit cards – cards with a configured Credit card number, Name on card, and Expiration date as autofill attributes;

Notes – separate note cards;

Recent – cards that were recently used/modified.

3. Labels

This group contains all custom labels. Custom labels are kind of tags. Users can assign any number of them to a card.  Users can also add, rename, configure and delete custom labels by choosing Manage labels in the menu. 

More details:

4. Security

There are the following labels:

Compromised Passwords – cards with passwords previously exposed in data breaches.
More details: ;

Weak passwords – cards with questionable password strength.
More details: ;

Same passwords – cards with identical passwords.

5. Special

There are the following labels:

Expiring – cards with a date field, where the date expires soon.
Certain period to show cards in this label can be configured in Settings -> Preferences -> Interface -> Warn expiring cards within;

Expired – cards with a date field, where the date already expired;

Archived – all archived cards;

Templates – empty blueprints (models) used for creating new cards;

Trash – all deleted cards.