How to share data

In this article: How data can be shared between users.  


!NB Functional described in the article is available only in SafeInCloud generation 2 with active Premium, but not in SafeInCloud original.
See information on how to get Premium access in the Purchase and restore Premium article: Android, iOS

Starting from SafeInCloud generation 2 with active Premium, users can use extra databases to share data. Extra databases can be used by several family members or work colleagues.
To use extra databases by several users, it is recommended to create a separate cloud account (e.g. a free account on Google). A cloud account is needed to store a shared database file and sync data between devices.

To add an extra database to another user, you must provide the cloud account credentials (username and password), as well as the name of the extra database and its master password.
!NB All users who have access to the database will be able to edit, delete, and add new cards. These changes will be synced between all devices of all users.

The procedure for adding an extra database to a new user is described in the Restore extra database from cloud article: Android, iOS, Windows & Mac.