I forgot my extra database password

In this article: What can be done if you forgot your extra database password.    

!NB Recommendations from this article are applicable only if you forgot your password from the extra database

If you forgot your main password, see this article.

Solution #1

The password for the extra database  is saved in the main database in a separate card after it is created. You can remember the password by this card. 

Solution #2

If you can enter SafeInCloud with biometrics on any of your devices or computers, then go to the app’s Settings > Databases, choose the extra database and then set a new password via Change password (on desktop select Options > Databases > (Name of the extra database) > Actions > Change password in the menu). Sync the data with the new password to a cloud. This will set the new password to the cloud database.

On other devices without biometrics, do the following:

-    Go to Settings > Databases > (Name of the extra database)
-    Choose to Delete the extra database;
-    Restore your data from the cloud database. See how by the links: Android, iOS, Desktop;
-    Enter the extra database with the new password.