Purchase and restore Premium

In this article: How to purchase and restore Premium access, Activate family member license.                                                                         

Quick links:

!NB Functional described in the article is available only in SafeInCloud generation 2 with active Premium, but not in SafeInCloud original.

1. Purchasing

To get Premium access user should purchase a subscription. Select the desired subscription plan from the available on the screen (for plans details see Subscription plans), then click Start.
Note: The subscription purchase screen appears on the first start of the application, if the current subscription has expired, but is also available under Settings > Premium > Choose subscription (for details, see Premium settings).

Google Play subscription dialog will appear. Click Subscribe.

After successful purchasing of the subscription, the application will offer to link the Premium access to the email address, and the Protect Purchase dialog will appear.

Enter your email address. This email is needed for the Premium access restoring on other devices.
!NB It is highly not recommended to skip this step after subscribing. It may significantly complicate the ability to restore Premium on the current device and also make it impossible to use Premium on other user devices.

After entering the email address, a verification 6-character confirmation code will be sent to the specified email address.

Enter this code in the application's dialog box.
After successful entry, the subscription is issued and Premium access is granted.

2. Restoring

To restore Premium on the device, select the tab corresponding to the existing active subscription: Individual or Family. Next, click Restore Purchase at the bottom of the screen.
Note: The subscription screen appears on the first start of the application, if the current Premium access has expired, but is also available under Settings > Premium > Choose subscription (for details, see Premium settings).

In the Restore Purchase dialog, enter the email address to which Premium is linked.

After entering the email address, a verification 6-character confirmation code will be sent to the specified email address.

Enter this code in the application's dialog box.
After successful entry, the Premium is restored and Premium features are available for use on the device.

3. Family member license activation

If a user has been added to a family group (for details see Family management), they have the option to activate a license from the subscription purchase screen.

To activate the license on the device, select the Family tab, then click I am family member at the bottom of the screen.
Note: The subscription purchase screen appears on the first start of the application, if the current Premium/license has expired, but is also available under Settings > Premium > Choose subscription (for details, see Premium settings).

In the Family membership dialog, enter the email address that was added to the family group.

After entering the email address, a verification 6-character confirmation code will be sent to the specified email address.

Enter this code in the application's dialog box.
After successful entry, the license is activated and available for use on the device.

See also: