If you need to register a new account on some website, navigate to a registration form on this site. Press SafeInCloud icon on the browser’s toolbar.
The extension popup will appear with a password request. Enter your password.
First, the extension will try to find login and password for this website in the SafeInCloud database. If it fails to find these data, the pop-up with options Search account and Add Account will be shown.
Search account
Using Search account option, you can perform the search in your database throughout all cards enabled for Autofill and Select one of those to be used for the existing website.
You can see details of each card under Show button (when mouse is focused on an entry). You can also Select a card from this menu.
Add account
Using Add account option, you can fill the card's Title, Login and Password fields for new entry and press the Add button.
You can also open Password generator by pressing Key icon next to the Password field.
In the pop-up menu, you can select password length, select generator mode, renew password (Rotate icon), or configure generator (Options).
There are several generator modes. For example, the Memorable mode generates passwords, which easier to remember, but still hard to crack.
In Options, you can configure a list of symbols that can be used for generating Memorable or Random type of passwords. Also, similar characters can be excluded from generating mechanism.
When you are done and pressed Add button, the extension will autofill these login and password into the registration form on the website.
And it will also create a card for this website in the SafeInCloud database under Web Accounts label.
Note: For this functionality to work you have to unlock SafeInCloud application at least once (directly or via the extension) after it was started.