Main password

In this article: Setup, Entering the main password, Fast unlock, Changing the main password, Troubleshooting.                                                                         

1. Setup

Initially, you set your main password during the database creation process. 

NB! The main password is used to unlock the app in order to open all the databases, including the extra ones. 

Choose a complex enough password. It should be at least 10 symbols long. It should contain small and capital letters, digits, and some special symbols. 

Attention! Remember your main password. If you forget the main password, you will not be able to restore it or access your data without it.

Tip: For the cloud synchronization to work, you should set the same main password in all SafeInCloud app instances installed on your mobile devices and computers.

2. Entering the main password

Next time you open SafeInCloud, or it was locked automatically, you should enter your main password to unlock it.

Tip: You can configure the auto-locking behavior of SafeInCloud via Settings > Security > Locks.

Tip: Press the Keypad icon in the top-right corner to switch the keyboard layout between keypad and full keyboard.

3. Fast unlock


Entering a long and complex password is time-consuming. Hence, you might want to use the Fast unlock feature of SafeInCloud. Enable it via Settings > Security > Authentication.

Tip: The Require password every option will ask your main password once in a few days (to prevent you from forgetting the main password and losing access to your data).

Next time you open SafeInCloud, you should enter only 4 first symbols of your main password. For security reasons, you have only one attempt. If it’s wrong, then you should enter a whole password again.

Attention! Remember your main password even if you are using the Fast unlock or the Biometric login. If you forget the main password, you will not be able to restore it and might lose access to your data.

4. Changing the main password


You can change your main password via Settings > Databases > Main database. Select this setting, then enter the current password to confirm your identity. Finally, enter and confirm a new password.

Tip: If you do not remember your current main password, but can enter SafeInCloud with the Biometric login, then you will be able to set a new password using biometrics instead of entering the current password.

Attention! After changing your main password on one device, you should manually set the same main passwords on all SafeInCloud app instances installed on other devices and computers. Until then, they will accept the old main password and the cloud synchronization will not work properly.

5. Troubleshooting

The worst trouble that can happen to you is forgetting the main password. In this case, try one of the following solutions.

Solution #1

If you can enter SafeInCloud with biometrics on any of your devices or computers, then go to the app’s Settings > Databases > Main database and then set a new main password via Change password. Sync the data with the new password to a cloud. This will set the new password to the cloud database.


If you cannot enter SafeInCloud on your other devices and computers, then do the following:
-    Enter any password 3 times;
-    Choose to delete the local database;
-    Restore your data from the cloud database;
-    Enter SafeInCloud with the new password.

Solution #2


If you’ve changed your main password recently and still remember the old password, then you may try to rollback your database to the state, when it had that old password. For this, you should use the file versioning system of your cloud. The location of the cloud database file depends on your cloud.

Information about the cloud database location can be found here

Try the following steps:
-    Open a web browser and locate your cloud database file (SafeInCloud.db);
-    Right-click the file to open its context menu and select Version history (or Manage versions);
-    Download a file version that had the old password, which you still remember;
-    Start SafeInCloud app (better on a desktop version);
-    Enter any password 3 times;
-    Choose to delete the local database;
-    Create a new database and set any password;
-    Select Tools > Restore from the menu of the desktop app (or Settings > Backup/Restore on a mobile device);
-    Choose the downloaded file;
-    After the restoration, try entering with the old password;
-    If the password is wrong, try another file version from the history. 

Solution #3
Try remembering your main password. Try all your common passwords. Try different variations of them. Try again tomorrow. Take counsel of your pillow. 

There are no other solutions. For security reasons, your password is not stored anywhere. And there is no way to reset or restore it, or to access your data without the password.

If still cannot remember your main password, then the only way forward is erasing all the data and starting over:
-    Delete the cloud database (see its location above);
-    Enter any password 3 times;
-    Choose to delete the local database;
-    Create a new database and set a new password.
