1. Toolbar
Add - create a new: card, note, template, label (can be selected from dropdown menu)
Delete - delete selected item
Lock - lock the app, an authorization will be required to open the data
Sync - make immediate synchronization with a cloud
Generator - open password generator
Sorting - select how to sort cards
Options - open the app’s settings
Database info - open details about the user database and the most generic information
Above all - pin app above all open windows
2. Menu
Add card – create a new card
Add note – create a new note
Add template – create a new template
Add label – create a new label
Import – import passwords from another password manager
Export – export data to a file
Sync – make immediate synchronization with a cloud
Lock – lock the app, an authorization will be required to open the data
Database info - open details about the user database and the most generic information
Close window – close the app's window, the app still active in a tray
Exit SafeInCloud – close the app completely
Generator – open password generator
Password history – access all the previous passwords for selected card
Backup – backup your data to a file on your device
Restore – restore data from a file
Erase data – erase all your local data (this will not erase data on a cloud and on your other devices)
Change password – change your password
Check password – start to check for compromised passwords
Setup – open setup tutorial
Sorting – select how to sort cards
Options – open the app’s settings
Help – link to the app knowledge base
Facebook – SafeInCloud page on Facebook
Youtube – SafeInCloud channel on Youtube
About – see the app’s version, Pro status, support email, website and privacy info