Advanced usage, Part 2

In this article: Card icons, Expiring cards, Templates, Archive cards, Card sharing.           

1. Card icons

Each card has an icon that visually distinguishes it from other records. To change this icon, start editing the card and tap the icon.

Use website icon – The icon will be downloaded from a website, specified in this card. 

Note: This feature might not work for some websites that do not provide a favicon.

Select symbol/colour – You can select the icon from a predefined set of visuals and colors.

Use custom icon – You can select a file with a custom icon. It has to be up to 250x250 pixels maximum.

2. Expiring cards

SafeInCloud warns you about cards that are expiring within a certain period of time. You can adjust this period via the app’s Settings > Preferences.

For this functionality to work, a card should have a field with the Expiry type.

You can see all the expiring and expired cards by selecting the Expiring and Expired labels in the side menu. These cards are also marked with an hourglass icon.

3. Templates

The templates in general are described here: Basic usage.

To create a new template, switch to the Templates label and press the Plus icon on the top toolbar.

To restore the default templates, switch to the Templates label in the main view and select Restore templates from the More menu.

4. Archive cards

Archived cards are located in the Archive label. These cards are not visible in the All Cards label. They are also excluded from the search.

To archive a card, open it and press Archive.

To unarchive a card, switch to the Archive label in the main view. Then locate and open the card. Finally, press Unarchive.

5. Card sharing

To share a card with another person, open the card and press Share on the bottom toolbar.

Then select an app to use for sharing, e.g. Mail. Or you can select Copy and paste the card’s info as text somewhere.

Attention! A shared card is not encrypted. Be careful when choosing the app through which you want to share.

See also: